30th December 2014 – Nemo 33, Brussels
Keeping up the tradition of an ‘end of the year dive’, 2 LSAC members travelled to Brussels in Belgium to dive in the deep swimming pool at Nemo 33. After last years trip to Stoney Cove where the water was 6 degrees, the 32 degree water of the swimming pool was a pleasant change.The journey down the A12 was going smoothly until we were 3.7 miles from the Brentwood roundabout at junction 28 of the M25, 45 minutes later we got onto the M25 and continued our journey. We arrived at the UK shuttle terminal with a few minutes to spare only to find that there was a 30 minute delay. After the short 35 minute journey on the train we drove another 2 hours to Brussels to the Thon hotel. The following day we jumped on a tram which took us to Nemo 33. We arrived at 12 for the 12:30 session and stood in the queue for the next 40 minutes. Luckily there was an extra session on which was not advertised, 13:30-14:30.
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