![Stoney Cove LSAV](https://lowestoftsac.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Stoney-22022020-730x350.png)
22 February 2020 – Stoney Cove
James and Paul returned to Stoney Cove again with the plan to navigate the wreck tour and practice some wreck penetration.
Dive 1:
- Divers: James and Paul
- Max Depth: 20.7m
- Dive Time: 55 mins
- Water temperature: 6C
- Viz: 8m
For this dive the plan was to descend on the Stanegarth shotline and practice some wreck penetration within the Stanegarth From here to then find the Helicopter, from the helicopter come up onto the ledge and visit the old wooden wreck before surfacing.
The wreck penetration went very well with us both practicing good bouyancy so as not to get snagged or stir up the visibility. Upon leaving the Stanegarth a misunderstanding of bearing meant that we headed off in the wrong direction towards the other side of the lake finding the ejector seat and the skeleton graveyard. From here we found the APC and the tug before coming up onto the ledge at the old wooden wreck.
A swim back to the steps meant this dive had a time of 55 minutes and in 6C water we were both feeling the cold!
Dive 2:
- Divers: James and Paul
- Max Depth: 21.7m
- Dive Time: 49 mins
- Water temperature: 6C
- Viz: 8m
Having warmed up the plan was to try to find the bus.
Having missed the helicopter on the first dive, we descended down the wall at the submarine to visit the helicopter. From here we swam along the bottom of the wall to try and find the bus. Upon reaching the ramp that leads to the bottom of the deep section and having not found the bus we proceeded to swim around the edge of the 22m ledge. After another 10 minutes we turned around to head out. On the way back looking for the rock we had placed as a marker Paul spotted the bus off in the distance and so we went to explore.
From here we swam up the ramp to the aeroplane cockpit, along the 6m ledge where we practiced some midwater DSMB deployment.
Didn’t feel so cold at the end of this one and once de-kitted we left swiftly on a return journey back to Suffolk.