29th February 2020 – St Andrews Lake, Kent
6 LSAC members headed down to St Andrews Lake in Kent to try out the dive centre which is being set up there.
Dive 1:
- Divers: Simon and Jane
- Max Depth:
- Dive Time:
- Water temperature: 6C
- Viz: 8m
Dive 1:
- Divers: Dominic and Luke
- Max Depth:
- Dive Time:
- Water temperature: 6C
- Viz: 8m
Dive 1:
- Divers: James and Paul
- Max Depth: 33.5m
- Dive Time: 34 mins
- Water temperature: 7C
- Viz: 6-8m
Dive 1 for James and Paul started by descending down the shot line to the yacht and then a small swim to find the aeroplane wing. From here we followed the guide ropes to the truck body for an explore and then from there up to the truck cab and the van.
The Van is on its side against the truck cab. The doors are open and this leads to an interesting swim-through where once inside the van it can be quite disorientating.
After playing here for a while we ascended up the guide rope to the gnome at 6m and got out of the water using the steps which were surrounded by water on all sides as the lake was rather full from all the rain.
First impressions were very good. The visibility is good, but there is a lot of silt. Good finning and buoyancy control is needed to keep away from the bottom to avoid stirring the silt up. The particulate is quite heavy though and disperses/settles quickly.
Dive 2:
- Divers: Dominic and Luke
- Max Depth:
- Dive Time:
- Water temperature: 7C
- Viz: 6-8m
Dive 2:
- Divers: Simon and Jane
- Max Depth:
- Dive Time:
- Water temperature: 7C
- Viz: 6-8m
Dive 2:
- Divers: James and Paul
- Max Depth: 24.5m
- Dive Time: 45 mins
- Water temperature: 7C
- Viz: 6-8m
On this dive we headed to the container from the entry point, but only stayed at the top of the continer not wanting to use up time going deep. The swim through in the container is similar to the van as the container is suspended on the chalk wall meaning it almost lies on end. There are plenty of holes cut in the container to allow for entry and exit.
From here we proceeded back to the van where James had a go in the passenger seat with some sideways bubbles!
From the van we went onto the shallow ledge to have an explore visiting the plane, the speedboat, the postbox and then back to the 6m platform which is very substantial and would be perfect for training.