25th September 2021 – Anchor Wreck
A last-minute decision sees James and Simon explore another set of coordinates to try to re-find the “Anchor Wreck”. Jane kindly skippers on the short spring tide slack.
- Divers: Simon & James
- Max Depth: 19.7 metres
- Dive Time: 43 minutes
- Water temperature: 18 degrees C
- Viz: 4-5 metres
- Dive details: James had previously dived a wreck covered in anchors which he was told was the SS Fulgens. Upon doing some research into wreck locations he discovered that the coordinates he had dived previously were actually the coordinates of an Uknown Wreck. The actual SS Fulgens coordinates lead to a wreck which was a broken mass, with very large boilers and lots of debris. No anchors.
James wanted to return to the coordinates of the Uknown Wreck to confirm that it was the wreck covered in anchors he had dived previously which was now knicknamed “The Anchor Wreck”.
A last minute decision and a spring tide meant that only James, Simon and Jane were available to dive. With boat cover needed and a short tide Jane kindly offered to sit this one out and provide top cover.
The weather was calm and had been for a few days meaning the visibility should be good.
After a small search for the wreck an annomoly on the seabed was found and the shotline deployed.
Swimming down, the shot had landed in the middle of the expanse of deck plates on the foredeck of the wreck. James and Simon swam back over the wheelhouse to the stern of the wreck where they found the first two anchors, and James reckognised the properller and stern gear he had seen on a dive with Luke previously. This was the anchor wreck!
We counted 7 anchors in total having swum around most of the debris. This is a good wrecksite, in 20m of water and so benefits from some sunlight from the surface to brighten things up.
There were plenty of crabs, lobsters and bib swimming around.
A very pleasant dive to end the boar diving season on.