25th February 2018 -Gildenburgh
This time last year Alex had a crazy plan to go diving at Gildy but then fell over and bumped his head so he couldn't join the others who had committed to go. This year, he managed to persuade 4 other divers to go with him but 2 cancelled just before the weekend due to man flu.
Dive 1 Divers: Alex, Hayden and Nigel. Max Depth: 19.3 metres. Dive Time: 37 minutes. Water Temperature: 4 Degrees C. Viz: 2-5 Metres
Dive Details: Kitted up and after much comments about the cold... So cold and we must be mad, made a gentle entry into the 4 deg lake. Initial underwater checks made and loosing feeling in hands in true North Sea Divers style we swum off into the deeps. First stop (see what i did there) was the double decker bus then onto the lorry. At the lorry Nigel had a free flow, so about turn and back to the Woolworths jetty for Nigel to sort kit out.
Dive 1 pt 2.
Alex & Hayden re-plunged and went to the coach, barge, Jet Provost, lorry, double decker and out. I think half the lake made its way into my suit and did i mention the cold. Over to Nigel and Hayden for dive 2
Dive 2 Divers: Hayden and Nigel. Max Depth: 19.9 metres. Dive Time: 24 minutes. Water Temperature: 4 Degrees C. Viz: 4 Metres.
Dive Details: Entered water via steps. When were ready I lead down to 6m platform. Along guide rope to the bus, then on wards to the lorry. On the quarry bed there were a few crayfish. We returned to the bus and observed a fairly large pike in the top deck. Hayden finned inside the bus and the pike remained hovering motionless. We headed back to the platform, right down to the pool table and around some steelwork. Next we back tracked and went near the submerged trees. By this time I was getting a bit chilly so I was sure Hayden was as it was his second dive so made way to the platform and finished the dive.